Friday, December 21, 2007

Groovy Granola

I always try to come up with some easy, cheap recipes to fill baskets for friends for holiday gifts. These are people who I just want to stop by and say hello and give them all of my love. This year, with dozens of boxes of free oatmeal in my pantry, I decided granola would be one of the things I would include.

However, I have never made granola before, so I searched on several of my fave sites for a good, easy recipe. Not a single one had the ingredients I did, so I looked around and decided to learn the method and make my own recipe.

Groovy Granola
1/2 cup honey
1/3 cup margarine
1 small (18 oz) box oatmeal
1-2 cups raisins
1-2 cups coconut
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. First warm the honey in a small sauce pan and wisk the margarine into it. Once you have it all mixed together, add in the coconut and let it cook for about 1 minute. While this is cooking, pour the box of oatmeal onto a cookie sheet. Pour all of the honey mixture over the oatmeal and stir it around (after a minute or so it will cool off and you can work it together with your hands.) Put the raisins in and mix in well. Cook in the oven for 45 mins to an hour, stirring every 10-15 minutes. Put in jars and give in gifts, or put into a airtight container and keep it for yourself. Eat like cereal or by the handful.

Most of the recipes I saw added raisins in after cooking, but I wanted mine to have the honey flavor, too. It turned out so good that I am going to make a batch to keep! YUMMY!


Shirley said...

I like making granola too. It's a lot better than storebought. Once I made a chocolate granola that my son still talks about, 10 years later. I made a regular batch of granola, and on a whim added a lot of cocoa powder. Tasted sort of bitter, so I upped the honey and brown sugar, then baked as usual. When we ate it, it would turn the milk in the bowl into chocolate milk! Maybe not an everyday sort of thing, but a good change.

Edi said...

We love homemade granola. My mother in law usually makes it when we stay over - and she gave me her recipe. I make it from time to time and alter the ingredients according to what I have around.

It's nice b/c you can do it in the microwave!

1 c sliced almonds
2 1/2 c rolled oats
1 c flaked coconut
3/4 t cinnamon
1/2 c honey
1/4 oil

Combine above ingredients in a glass baking dish. Microwave on high for 8 minutes - stirring after every 2 minutes.

After cooking add sunflower seeds, pecans or raisins - as desired (can also sprinkle in some wheat bran).

After it is cool, fluff again with a fork and store in a tight container.

Just thinking about it makes me want to go and make some more which I should, since I have an over abundance of coconut laying around.