Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Baby Emma Update

As many of you know, my precious granddaughter, Emma, was born back in September. She was an impatient little bugger, deciding that she needed to arrive way too early to the party, an amazing 17 weeks early.

In the early days of her long vacation, doctors said her original due date, January 2, would be around the time she would come home. It seems Emma, like always, has other plans. About a month ago, she moved from NICU to stepdown. After a series of small complications, she is now back in NICU. She is still breathing on her own, but has some difficulty, due to an enlarged ventricle in her heart. We are now waiting to see if her tiny body can catch up to her amazing spirit.

She is such a lovely little thing, smiling and even giggling. I have not been to see her in nearly 3 weeks, since I have been a little under the weather myself, and my ickies have no place being around her. So, I wait. Hopefully this weekend I can scoop her up and snuggle her again. (I am just as impatient as she is.)

Since she seems to have decided that life will go along at her timetable, we are all patiently waiting. While we are waiting, we deeply appreciate your prayers, concerns, comments and love.


Marva said...

Sending my prayers and love. We were only in the NICU for almost a total of seven weeks with our twin boys.
They were 8 weeks early.

Before you know it Emma will be home and growing up way too fast. God's strength and healing to your family!

Melissa said...

I just prayed for little Emma. Will you let us know how things are going?

Many Blessings,
Simply Pink

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

Seventeen weeks early. My GOODNESS! I'll be praying.

Anonymous said...

My name is Tracie. I am a mother of 4 children. My last two were surprises in 3 ways...first I was surprised to pregnant again cause my son was only 10mths...then I was surprised to find out i was carrying twins...then I was surprised when they were born at 26 weeks. They too, were in the NICU and that was the worst six weeks of my life. They are now 3 yrs old and doing wonderful! God be with you and your daughter, and granddaughter. I will be praying for you.

Anonymous said...

What a sweet lil baby. I will be praying for little Emma. We had twins at 7 1/2 weeks early. They only stayed 17 days but I remember how hard it was to leave them at the hospital. I'll keep you all in my prayers.

Just wanted to say I love reading your blog!! I love the info about so many things you have talked about. Especially CVS!! Thanks for sharing!

Prayers and Hugs,
Angie in KY

Anonymous said...

Cute!!! Both the baby and teddy bear looking great. Awesome picture...