Tuesday, January 8, 2008

WMFW (Works for Me Wednesday in Reverse)

I think as bloggers, we all hope that we have something to say that others want to hear. Some of us ramble, some of us show beautiful pictures of our precious babies, some of us have a wonderful ministry we try and share, some try to inform and others inspire to entertain.

So, once you have something to say, how do you get your voice out there? With, dare I say, millions of blogs on every topic under the sun, there is strong competition. Although readers of blogs generally read more than a few (ummmm......dozens here), but how do you get your words out there?

How did you bring traffic to your blog? How do you keep it fresh and interesting for your readers? Tell me what works for you, and maybe I can help it work for me.

For other great ideas, scoot on over to Rocks In My Dryer, for Works For Me Wednesday in Reverse.


Meredith said...

Perfect, Gina!

Leah Spencer said...

Since my blogging niche is quilting, I comment on other quilters blogs. Usually other people reading the comments will click on my name to find out more about me. Every once in a while somebody will post my blog in their post... and people click and look.

Then there's a lady who's doing a weekly stash busting and has a Mr. Linky for everybody else who might have busted some stash that week. My numbers always kick to over 100 visitors that day. :)

Also giving your address in forums and groups can help spread the word.

The last thing I can think of is my parents. :) They really enjoy my blog and share it with friends and family. Most of them never comment, but apparently they do visit, according to my mom.

Ohh, and if you're trying to generate traffic for blog ads and such... well, it can be a turn off for some. When I post, I'm posting for myself and what's going on with me and my interest... not to please somebody out there. (Eh, unless they're asking for clarification of some quilt project I did. ;)

Unknown said...

Nope, not aiming to cash in with ads, just wanna get my words out there, ya know?

TheOneTrueSue said...

You comment. Comment, comment, comment, comment. Don't comment just to get traffic, either. Comment to become part of the larger blogging community. And once you're part of a blogging community, people will come. I've made some wonderful friends this way. Looking around at other blogs, finding blogs that struck my fancy - that spoke to me, so to speak, and reaching out.

If people like what you had to say in your comment, they will click on you. And if they like what you have to say on your blog, they'll come back. If they REALLY like it, they'll blogroll you, or send others your way.

Anonymous said...

Start with good writing and a blog which would be interesting to people who don't know you and don't care if they click on your blog or someone else's blog. Become part of a community, whatever your niche is. Post lots of meaningful comments, not just fluff. At the risk of sounding like I'm plugging my own blog, a few months ago I posted about 16 ways to increase traffic, so you might be interested in checking some of the other tips my readers and I came up with. Here's the link: http://infinitygoods.wordpress.com/2007/10/09/16-tips-to-increase-a-blog-or-websites-traffic/

Anonymous said...

These are great comments and ideas. An occasional giveaway is a good idea too, especially when you ask entrants to blog about your giveaway to "qualify". Everyone loves a giveaway and the word quickly spreads. (I have a Christian fiction giveaway going on right now myself) :)

orneryswife said...

I agree with the other commenters. I don't know how I first started getting traffic, but I think it was when I joined blog carnivals like WFMW, Menu Plan Monday (org. junkie) and Thursday Thirteen.

I also got a big boost when I commented on some high traffic blogs. Rocks in My Dryer, Boomama, Authorblog, all bring me traffic. But meaningful comments on any blog will increase your traffic.

Other bloggers that drop in are referred from google for some post that I did that tells how-to or is a product review. I average about 100 hits a day now, and about 20% are referred from google! WFMW posts and recipes are the biggest google draws, and I don't really know how to track whether those who come for that post stay and look around or not.

I am always amazed that people want to read what I have to say, and absolutely LOVE it when they leave comments! That is how I find new blogs, is just from tracing comments on others.

Great question!

SAHMmy Says said...

WFMW is a great tool. And I agree with the other ladies--comments drive your traffic in the mommyblogger community. Post about what interests you--there are thousands out there who share your interests--they'll find you! Share your favorite posts in blog carnivals, and submit appropriate posts to digg, sk*rt, etc.--a vote for yourself is still a vote!

Jendeis said...

Probably seconding most people, but I think these are the keys.

1. Comment on other people's blogs, especially the ones you read all the time.

2. Comment back or send an email to those who have commented on your own blog.

3. Participate in carnivals like WFMW or Meal Plan Mondays.

Good luck!

My Trendy Tykes said...

Participate in things like WFMW and Recipe Swaps. Post comments on blogs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Host a giveaway or two....

Good luck with the traffic.


Nicole - Life in Progress said...

I'm a new blogger so I have no advice, but just wanted to say thanks for asking.

I feel a little funny hoping that I'll get more traffic on my blog - seems self-absorbed or something. But I wouldn't post my writing on the web if I wasn't hoping people would find me.

You've made me feel a little better!

Amy said...

I enjoyed stumbling across your blog today and have been wondering about your question myself. It was nice to read all the comments that you received. Thanks for posting your question!

Mandy said...

Everyone has offered such great advice. I'd aslso consider joining some blog directories. Good luck!

Ms. Kathleen said...

I think people have about said it all. Comment, join memes, carnivals, circles that interest you. Nice to meet you by the way! God Bless!

Anonymous said...

It has been said over and over, but commenting on blogs you enjoy and joining carnivals and especially give aways helps boost traffic. You just keep plugging away everyday.

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

Blog, blog, blog, comment, comment, comment.

(I'm just starting trying to drive people to my site, but it's working...)

The Correspondent said...

You've already received some great ideas that I was going to recommend:

Comment on blogs that you visit,

leave a comment in your own Comments Section in answer to folks who've commented there (does that make sense?),

and participate in carnivals. Here are a few ideas, in case you're not aware of them:

Children's Book Mondays at http:mamahooper.blogspot.com,

Kitchen Tip Tuesdays at

WFMW, which you obviously know about,

Booking Through Thursday at

Frugal Fridays at


Show 'n Tell Fridays at

Oh, and a new one is Tuesday Talks at www.stay-at-home-daughters.blogspot.com.

Also, I include my URL/blog address in the signature line of most every email I send. This is especially helpful if you're involved in any email loops.

Best wishes!

Unknown said...

Thanks soooo much for all the wonderful carnival ideas. I tried googling some, but I didn't come up with any of those (except WFMW, of course.) Thanks again! Such wonderful ideas.
Commenting makes a lot of sense. If you go to a party, but stand it the corner all night, you can't walk away complaining that you didn't meet anyone. You gotta make conversation to make friends......duh!
Thanks again!

Mindy said...

I am also a new blogger and I found this really helpful. I have gotten a good bit of traffic from mybloglog.com too, although I have gotten a few odd readers from there. I've met some wonderful moms (even some who think like me, wow!) simply by visiting other blogs and participating.

Tiffany said...

I think the other comments have said most of what I have read or would suggest, but I do have one other suggestion.
Find blogs that you really like and frequent them, commenting when you do. Not only do you get to enjoy what you are reading, but they also will get to know you as a faithful reader. The best way to get faithful readers is to be one. It is a win-win situation.

Michie said...

I'm a brand new blogger two (as in only two posts so far) so I enjoyed this question too. Thanks.