Wednesday, April 16, 2008


I have accomplished so little today you guys might wanna revoke my "mom card". I never even made it out of my pjs. I have an excuse -- really I do.

I woke up this morning with an abnormally large jaw. My back tooth was absessed - yeah! So I bundled up on the couch, with my laptop in front of me and my remote in hand. It was an overly-lazy day.

Now that drugs have had their time to take effect, and kiddos have ran in the door with lots of energy, I am off to price my goods that I will be hocking this weekend. Hopefully the jaw will be all better -- if not I will be yardsaling anyway.

In the coming days I am going to be posting a little on how I make extra mad money by selling off the results of my couponing addiction -- stay tuned!


50s Housewife said...

Oh you poor thing! Tooth aches are miserable aren't they? Will you have to have a root canal?

Unknown said...

unfortunately yes :(

Nessa said...

I feel your pain! I had the one pulled Tuesday and it made me sick as a dog because it was still infected. I am due to have another one out this Thursday. You have my sympathy!