Tuesday, December 4, 2007

I Guess I'm It!

I've been tagged by my friend at Homemaker of the 21st Century to answer a few questions.

Being "tagged" is "basically to show one another some link love." She was tagged by Heather from Home With Heather and apparently the original tag came from Tamara Wilson of Tamara-Wilson.com. So, anyway, onto it :)

1. What did you accomplish this past week? I got my stockroom reorganized and wrapped lots of presents

2. Did anything not go as expected? ALWAYS! We lost a pet this week, which is always sad.

3. What was the highlight of your week? Reading “Click Clack Moo” with my girls after dinner last night, which was a meal I did not have to cook, due to my wonderful hubby!

4. Did anything exciting happen that you did not expect?
Hmmmm, this week, no, not really. Sorry, my life is planned out pretty well and is just boring overall.

Now I’m supposed to tag 5 others, but I chose three, cause sometimes it’s just fun to break the rules!

Cuppa Cuppa Cuppa

Like Merchant Ships

Rockin Granola

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